Image Credits: UnsplashThat one moment when you feel blank, you begin to believe that you have emptiness within and you cannot deliver any value among the people around you. At such times, don't let yourself get drawn into the thoughts of feeling t...
Mr. Stanzin Dawa, Regional Director at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development.
Rohit SoodApr 29, 2017Mr. Stanzin Dawa, Regional Director at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development. "How far you are going to be in the future is going to be determined by the size of your dream. If your dream is small, don't expect big things." "Jule...
A Guest Lecture by Mr. Chandra Mohan Gupta, Director of Corporate Affairs, Cocacola.
Rohit SoodApr 29, 2017A Guest Lecture by Mr. Chandra Mohan Gupta, Director of Corporate Affairs, Cocacola. He began his session by saying, “We do things for a certain purpose. To my surprise before he could go further, he gave some of the reasons for why we must lis...
A Session with Mr. Nand Kishore Sehgal
Rohit SoodApr 29, 2017A Session with Mr. Nand Kishore Sehgal Things I Learned from Nand Kishore Sehgal: 1. Any speaker can make a mistake and it’s perfectly fine. 2. People easily laugh at a speaker but th...
The Day of HR Conclave
Rohit SoodFeb 21, 2018The Day of HR Conclave The day started with a little negative thoughts but as the day passed by, Love started to shine its light in all my surroundings. Today, I had some of the most interesting experiences that taught me ...
Becoming The Modern Master by 'Deborah King'
Rohit SoodMay 14, 2017Becoming The Modern Master by Deborah King #Things_I_Learned_Today (May 9, 2017):- That hilarious moment when people indulge themselves in gossips just to put their nose into your business. (P.S. Shankar received a call at morning.) Fear o...
An Interesting Session with Mr. Pratham Mittal, son of Ashok Mittal Sir
Rohit SoodApr 30, 2017An Interesting Session with Mr. Pratham Mittal, son of Ashok Mittal Sir: (P.S. You won't regret reading it.) Just at the beginning of the session, he clearly mentioned that he did not have a structured discussion in his mind for the session but...
Mr. Stanzin Dawa, Regional Director at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development.
Rohit SoodApr 29, 2017Mr. Stanzin Dawa, Regional Director at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development. "How far you are going to be in the future is going to be determined by the size of your dream. If your dream is small, don't expect big things." "Jule...
A Guest Lecture by Mr. Chandra Mohan Gupta, Director of Corporate Affairs, Cocacola.
Rohit SoodApr 29, 2017A Guest Lecture by Mr. Chandra Mohan Gupta, Director of Corporate Affairs, Cocacola. He began his session by saying, “We do things for a certain purpose. To my surprise before he could go further, he gave some of the reasons for why we must lis...
A Session with Mr. Nand Kishore Sehgal
Rohit SoodApr 29, 2017A Session with Mr. Nand Kishore Sehgal Things I Learned from Nand Kishore Sehgal: 1. Any speaker can make a mistake and it’s perfectly fine. 2. People easily laugh at a speaker but th...
The Day of HR Conclave
Rohit SoodFeb 21, 2018The Day of HR Conclave The day started with a little negative thoughts but as the day passed by, Love started to shine its light in all my surroundings. Today, I had some of the most interesting experiences that taught me ...
Becoming The Modern Master by 'Deborah King'
Rohit SoodMay 14, 2017Becoming The Modern Master by Deborah King #Things_I_Learned_Today (May 9, 2017):- That hilarious moment when people indulge themselves in gossips just to put their nose into your business. (P.S. Shankar received a call at morning.) Fear o...
An Interesting Session with Mr. Pratham Mittal, son of Ashok Mittal Sir
Rohit SoodApr 30, 2017An Interesting Session with Mr. Pratham Mittal, son of Ashok Mittal Sir: (P.S. You won't regret reading it.) Just at the beginning of the session, he clearly mentioned that he did not have a structured discussion in his mind for the session but...
A Managed Day.
Rohit SoodMay 30, 2017A Managed Day. Things I Learned Today (May 30, 2017):- That awkward moment when Doctors don't treat their patients in a proper manner. (A ...
Let's Say 'Yes' To An Opportunity
Rohit SoodMar 03, 2018Things I Learned Today: February 28, 2018: A minute spent on a small fight wastes over 60 seconds of quality time with your loved ones. Make...
When You Have To Take Decisions For Yourself
Rohit SoodApr 03, 2022Image Source: UnsplashWhen You Have To Take Decisions For YourselfSometimes, even I find myself into a situation where I am not aware if I am ta...
Saturday, 23 July 2022
Thursday, 16 June 2022
Oh My God! That’s So Scary!
Image Credits: UnsplashIsn’t that a scary feeling to start thinking that your past was better than your present?Don’t you think that such a feeling will only make you helpless that you cannot bring back your past to your present?But at least, the b...
Wednesday, 1 June 2022
I have no explanation of why I am having tears in my eyes right now and why I am unable to stop them. It feels as if my whole childhood memories of listening to music have been snatched away with a snap of fingers.It feels as if all those hundreds ...
Saturday, 21 May 2022
Some Problems are Actually Solutions!
Some Problems are Actually Solutions!Photo by Denys Nevozhai on UnsplashQuite often, we run from the problems, while there are times when we put our energy into solving them as soon as possible. Today, I realised that sometimes, it's better to dela...
Sunday, 1 May 2022
My Birthday Post - Happy Birthday to Me
Dear Rohit,First and foremost, wish you a very Happy Birthday.I have been with you since the beginning of your time in this world and I am well aware of what you do and of course, what you don’t. I don’t blame you for not doing what you were suppos...
Sunday, 3 April 2022
When You Have To Take Decisions For Yourself
Image Source: UnsplashWhen You Have To Take Decisions For YourselfSometimes, even I find myself into a situation where I am not aware if I am taking the right decision or not.No matter how many people I take suggestions from, I still feel equally ...
April 2, 2022 - Let's Read Even More
April 2, 2022 - Let's Read Even MoreThe day was quite normal and I did not give anything extraordinary but I still managed to take a step forward to build this habit of reading books. Though I have been fond of reading books earlier as well but To...
April 1, 2022 - The New Phase of Life
Image Source: UnsplashApril 1, 2022: The New Phase of LifeAs I have entered into the Life Year 2022-2023, I am feeling quite refresh and believe that new opportunities will knock my door in this year and I have a lot to experience in my life this y...
Tuesday, 1 February 2022
Nobody is Youer Than You:No matter how many people claims how many times about how much they understand you, there will still be numerous moments when you will find yourself in a situation where nobody but you can understand how you feel.It is mos...
Monday, 24 January 2022
Phrases Often Used By Losers
What we achieve in our life is majorly dependent upon the direction our mindset moves.It will determine whether we are going to become an achiever or end up being a loser.It doesn’t matter if we used any of the following phrases in past or not. Wh...
Sunday, 9 January 2022
They Won’t Care!
They Won’t Care!Image Credits: UnsplashIn your life, you will come across many situations where you will feel that the only way to get out of them, must be to victimise yourself and that’s what you will end up doing.But, does it really help you?We...
Saturday, 8 January 2022
On a Journey to Become a Better Version of Myself!
On a journey to become a better version of myself!Well! Clearly, the first step begins from working on creating a better self than to design a best profile page for you.It’s more important to work on the substance within, than on the appearance.Fo...
Monday, 30 August 2021
Life Only Makes Us Better | Rohit Sood
Photo by Pixabay from PexelsI understand that life is full of ups and downs but still I believe that even after the downs, we get to become the better person than before and Life only teaches us to be better and grow as a person. Our growth to othe...
Sunday, 23 May 2021
“Sometimes, I just love to embrace my imperfections”Yes, I said so, because it’s totally true.I am full of imperfections and I believe that most of us are. But I don’t know about other people’s imperfections, especially because I don’t look for th...
Saturday, 22 May 2021
Bad Habits - Don't Let Them To Control You
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from PexelsIt's funny how our bad habits begin to control us to a great extent. Even though, we have guilt, regret to let them take over us but still we give up on improving habits but the truth is that Habits are never ...
Words Wisdom - Economic Times
Rohit SoodFeb 02, 2017Word Meanings (ET) February 2, 2017: 1. Wary - feeling or sh...
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