The Last Post from THINGS I LEARNED TODAY - Rohit Sood

Monday, 4 February 2019



Dear Readers,

Greetings for the day,

I have officially completed 4 years since I started to share Things I Learned Today posts, however, a point has come when I have decided to stop this activity of sharing daily lessons with you all.

I have realized that my daily experiences are not enough anymore to teach you one liner lessons everyday. I can still omit this post and not share it with you but still I am going to post it to you because I want you to know that I have had enough through it in these years and feel that I need to start sharing some stories with you which you may appreciate more than these one line lessons which I have been doing for years.

I cannot comment on it whether I have been successful in my actions or I have just failed miserably. But one thing is clear that I have no right to treat my opinions as LESSONS OF THE DAY. Hence, I have decided to begin sharing some experiences along with some real life stories so that you can decide by yourself about what can be the moral of that story.

I may not be a good person.
I may not be a person anybody would like to talk to.
I may not be perfect, but may be that's what being human is all about. 
Or may be I am not even a human as many people have mentioned me. Some people have called me SHIT, SELFISH, ANIMAL, etc., while others may treat me as a source of inspiration for them.
However, the former three words which are clearly negative are the ones that have really instilled my heart because they were used for me by some of the closest persons in my life.

All of them were so close to me that I find it hard to deny their allegations which has really degraded my self-confidence in all these years. In order to regain this confidence level, I really need to part my ways from this particular blog because I am no one to teach you anything. All I can do is to share what I have experienced and your comments will decide whether there is something that we all can learn from or that is just a useless article.

If you ever feel that you may contribute your opinions on my real life stories or incidents, please get connected at

Thank you for reading,
Rohit Sood

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